Assuming you have a username and password with some kind of access to a MSSQL server, this might help you.

Mac OS X instructions lower down but the full post should help it all sink in.


Install unixODBC, this abstracts database access

If I was on SUSE Linux (SLES) I would hit up yast and install the following packages

$ su root
$ yast

unixODBC │2.2.11 │2.2.11 │ODBC driver manager with some drivers included │
unixODBC-devel │2.2.11 │2.2.11 │Includes and Static Libraries for ODBC Development

Install FreeTDS driver

This is the Open Source MSSQL Driver for Unix-based systems:

tar xzvf freetds-stable.tgz 
cd freetds-0.XX/

Next, configure FreeTDS with the location of unixODBC, you’re telling it you plan to use it via an ODBC interface, if /usr/lib/unixODBC exists then the value you need is /usr. Then, you can make and install.

./configure --with-unixodbc=/usr --with-tdsver=8.0
sudo make install

Find your freetds.conf, we’re going to stick in the connection details for your SQL Server Box. On this Linux box, it’s /usr/local/etc/freetds.conf

In the stock conf, there’s a helpful example provided:

# A typical Microsoft server
    host = 
    port = 1433
    tds version = 7.0

I added this line to this server config…

client charset = UTF-8

I can’t tell you how awesome this line is. It uses the iConv libraries to make sure you’re getting UTF-8 data over your ODBC connection, even if the SQL Server config is some godawful WIndows cp1252 ANSI code page.

Create your own server config with your own credentitals. The tds version relates to the version of SQL server you are using In short, if you’re using SQL Server 2000 and above, use version 8.0

Port 1433 is the default port for connecting to MSSQL Servers, why not check if you can connect from your given server before trying the FreeTDS driver


FreeTDS installs the tsql binary for testing your connections. The -S parameter refers to the [egServer70] section of freetds.conf:

$ tsql -S egServer70 -U niceuser
locale is "en_GB.UTF-8"
locale charset is "UTF-8"

Great! That 1> prompt smells of success!


Now we need to register the driver with unixODBC, using the odbcinst binary that is installed with unixODBC

Create a file:

touch freetds-driver

edit the file - the key detail here is the Driver line. It should point to wherever the FreeTDS installation wrote the file. In most cases, following these instructions on a Linux box, it will be in /usr/local/lib but it could vary on different UNIX-based systems.

Description = TDS driver (Sybase/MS SQL)
Driver = /usr/local/lib/

Register the FreeTDS driver with ODBC

sudo odbcinst -d -i -f freetds-driver

So that’s the driver registered, now we need to let ODBC know about the SQL Server we want to connect to, as set out in freetds.conf

Add a DSN for the SQL Server in odbc.ini

sudo vim /etc/unixODBC/odbc.ini

Driver = FreeTDS 
Description = MSSQL database for my nice app
# Servername corresponds to the section in freetds.conf
Database = NICE_APP

isql is the client installed by unixODBC. Pass isql the DSN you defined along with your username and password

$ isql -v nicedsn niceuser nicepass 

| Connected! |
| |
| sql-statement |
| help [tablename] |
| quit |
| |

Now ODBC is allowing you to enter plain old SQL, INTO A MSSQL SERVER, FROM A LINUX BOX!

SQL> SELECT * FROM tablename

If you encounter issues, make sure that isql knows where to find your odbc ini file or it will not be able to. I’ve found environment variables to be useful in this process, e.g.:

ODBCINI=/etc/unixODBC/odbc.ini ; export ODBCINI

Install pyodbc

To compile it you will need the GNU C++ compiler. Under SLES YAST, it is called gcc-c++ but elsewhere you might find it as g++.

You’ll also need the python-devel and unixODBC-devel package to compile against. Check for these in your distribution’s package manager.

cd pyodbc-x.x.x/
python build
sudo python install

Or, in modern parlance:

sudo pip install pyodbc


There are slight differences on this platform. You’ll need XCode from the Mac App Store and you’ll need to install the Command Line Tools from Xcode>Preferences>Downloads>Components.

tar xzvf freetds-stable.tgz 
cd freetds-0.XX/
sudo make install

Then, edit freetds.conf lie

$ vim /usr/local/etc/freetds.conf

Pop in your SQL server details

host = 172.16.XX.XXX
port = 1433
tds version = 8.0
# this is a great setting to make sure that data reaches you in UTF-8
# chances are it's in some godawful Windows ANSI Code Page
client charset = UTF-8

iODBC takes responsibility for the ODBC legwork on Mac OS X Python, you can edit the config and create the DSN you need. The Driver line is essential to tell iODBC where the freetds driver is.

$ vim /etc/odbc.ini

Here are the contents:

Description = Live Server for My Nice App
Driver = /usr/local/lib/
Servername = 172.16.XX.XXX
Database = NICE_APP
UserName = niceuser
Password = nicepass

You’ll need to have pyodbc for Python installed:

cd pyodbc-x.x.x/
python build
sudo python install

Or, in modern parlance:

sudo pip install pyodbc

Then get on the Python interpreter:

$ python
>>> import pyodbc
>>> conxn = pyodbc.connect('DSN=nicedsn;UID=niceuser;PWD=nicepass;')
>>> conxn
<pyodbc.Connection object at 0x93660>
>>> cur = conxn.cursor()
>>> cur.execute("SELECT TOP 10 * FROM Events")
<pyodbc.Cursor object at 0x104d9a690>
>>> cur.fetchOne()
(1, 1, 1858, 1858, 3, 5, datetime.datetime(2008, 6, 23, 11, 0), datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2008, 6, 23, 9, 0), 10, 2, 0, '', 0, '', 0, datetime.datetime(2008, 6, 21, 11, 23, 13, 813000))

Look at those lovely native Python datetime instances!


These references are invaluable: